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How-to-get-rid-of-possums by

Outline of the Blog


  • Briefly explain what possums are and why they can be a nuisance.
  • Mention the importance of getting rid of possums to protect property and prevent potential health risks.

Identifying Possum Infestation

  • Signs of possum presence in and around your property.
  • Common areas where possums may seek shelter.

Understanding Possum Behavior

  • Discuss the habits and behavior of possums.
  • Highlight their nocturnal nature and their dietary preferences.

Prevention and Exclusion

  • Securing entry points and potential access areas to deter possums.
  • Recommendations for sealing gaps, cracks, and holes in buildings.
  • The importance of proper waste management to discourage possums.

Natural Repellents and Deterrents

  • Discuss various natural repellents that can discourage possums.
  • Strategies like using strong scents and plants that possums dislike.

Trapping and Removal

  • Guidelines for humane trapping and relocation of possums.
  • Mention the importance of checking local regulations and obtaining necessary permits.

Professional Assistance

  • When to consider hiring a professional pest control service.
  • The benefits of experts’ experience in dealing with possum infestations.

Creating an Unattractive Environment

  • Tips for removing food sources and making your property less appealing to possums.
  • Properly storing garbage and securing pet food.

Garden Protection

  • Ways to protect your garden from possum damage.
  • Suggestions for using barriers and deterrents to keep possums away.

Repairs and Clean-Up

  • Steps to take after eliminating a possum infestation.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing affected areas to remove possum droppings and potential health risks.

Maintaining a Possum-Free Environment

  • The importance of regular inspections and maintenance to prevent re-infestation.
  • Tips for ongoing possum prevention.



  1. How do possums enter buildings?
  2. Are possums dangerous to humans?
  3. Can I use mothballs to repel possums?
  4. What diseases can possums carry?
  5. Do possums have predators?

How to Get Rid of Possums?


Possums can be charming creatures when observed from afar, but when they invade our properties and cause havoc, they quickly become a nuisance. These nocturnal marsupials have adapted well to urban environments, often seeking shelter in attics, crawl spaces, and sheds. In this blog, we will explore practical strategies to get rid of possums and restore peace to your home. Let’s dive in!

Identifying Possum Infestation

Before devising a plan to eliminate possums, confirming their presence is essential. Look for signs such as droppings, tracks, and scratch marks on trees or structures. You might also notice damaged plants or chewed wires, indicating a possum infestation. Additionally, pay attention to unusual noises or strong odors from hidden areas, as possums are known to create nests in secluded spots.

Understanding Possum Behavior

Possums are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the night. They have a varied diet that includes fruits, insects, small animals, and even garbage. These adaptable creatures are skilled climbers and are attracted to warm, sheltered areas. Understanding their habits and preferences is crucial to get rid of possums from your property effectively.

Prevention and Exclusion

Prevention is crucial when it comes to managing possum infestations. Start by inspecting your property for potential entry points and seal any gaps, cracks, or holes in buildings. Focus on areas like the roof, vents, and foundations. It’s also important to ensure that your garbage bins are secure and not easily accessible to possums. Removing potential entryways and minimizing available food sources can make your property less appealing to possums.

Natural Repellents and Deterrents

If you’re looking for natural ways to discourage possums, consider using strong scents or plants they dislike. Possums have a sensitive sense of smell, so the aroma of certain substances can repel them. Options such as mothballs, ammonia-soaked rags, or even garlic or pepper-based sprays can be effective deterrents. Additionally, planting lavender, rosemary, or other plants possums dislike can help create a barrier they are less likely to cross.

Trapping and Removal

In cases where prevention and deterrents aren’t sufficient, trapping and removal may be necessary. It’s important to approach trapping with care and choose humane methods. Live traps can catch possums, but ensure you check local regulations and obtain any required permits. Once trapped, relocate the possum far away from your property, preferably to a suitable habitat where it can thrive.

Professional Assistance to get rid of possums

If you find it challenging to handle possum infestations independently or prefer expert assistance, consider hiring a professional pest control service. Experienced technicians can assess the situation, develop a tailored strategy, and effectively get rid of possums from your property or nearby area. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools to address the infestation safely and efficiently.

Creating an Unattractive Environment

To deter possums, it’s crucial to eliminate potential food sources. Secure your garbage bins tightly, store pet food indoors, and remove fallen fruits or vegetables from your garden. Minimizing available food reduces the chances of possums being attracted to your property. Furthermore, keep your yard clean and tidy, removing any debris or clutter that could provide hiding spots for these unwanted visitors.

Garden Protection to get rid of possums

Possums can wreak havoc on gardens, so protecting your plants is essential. Install barriers like fences or netting around vulnerable areas to prevent possums from accessing your plants. Additionally, consider using motion-activated sprinklers or lights to startle possums and discourage them from approaching your garden. It’s crucial to maintain these measures and regularly inspect for any damage or signs of intrusion.

Repairs and Clean-Up

After successfully eliminating a possum infestation, addressing any damage and cleaning up the affected areas properly is important. Possum droppings can carry diseases, so wearing gloves and a mask is advisable when removing them. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the areas where possums were present to ensure a safe and healthy environment.

Maintaining a Possum-Free Environment

To prevent possums from returning, it’s important to maintain vigilance and regularly inspect your property. Continue implementing prevention strategies, such as sealing entry points and removing potential food sources. You can keep a possum-free environment by staying proactive and addressing any issues promptly.


Possums can become unwelcome guests when they invade our homes and gardens. However, with the right approach and strategies, getting rid of possums and restoring peace to your property is possible. By identifying signs of infestation, understanding their behavior, implementing preventative measures, and considering humane removal options, you can effectively manage possum problems. Remember to maintain a clean and unattractive environment while keeping a watchful

FAQS on how to get rid of possums

How do possums enter buildings?

Possums can enter buildings through various entry points, such as open windows, gaps in walls or roofs, broken vents, uncapped chimneys, or damaged or loose screens. They are skilled climbers and can easily access elevated areas.

Are possums dangerous to humans?

Possums are generally not considered hazardous to humans. They are non-aggressive creatures and tend to avoid confrontation. However, they may bite or scratch if they feel threatened or cornered. Additionally, possums can carry certain diseases, so avoiding direct contact with them is best.

Can I use mothballs to repel possums?

Mothballs are not recommended for repelling possums. While they may have a strong odour, possums are not particularly sensitive to the scent of mothballs, and using them as a repellent may not be effective. Exploring alternative methods such as sealing entry points, using deterrents specifically designed for possums, or seeking professional assistance is advisable.

What diseases can possums carry?

Possums can carry diseases like leptospirosis, tuberculosis, and various parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites. However, it is important to note that transmitting these diseases to humans is relatively rare. Nonetheless, avoiding direct contact with possums and taking necessary precautions when handling them or their droppings is recommended.

Do possums have predators?

Yes, possums do have predators. Some of their natural predators include large birds of prey such as owls and hawks and terrestrial predators like foxes, coyotes, and domestic dogs. Additionally, possums face vehicle threats while crossing roads and may fall victim to diseases or parasites.

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